A Nail Art/Nail polish blog by a really nerdy software Engineer

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Happy New Year! (plus other ramblings...)

My home town of Cleveleys, just up the coast from Blackpool, UK

December has been a strange month for me. In fact, the past few months have been very strange (2019 in general was an odd one). I never thought I would become the type of person to write my feelings on an open blog but I know someone out there, at some point will read it and be glad they did....maybe. I'll never forget one of the first blogs I became an avid reader of; it was a skincare blog called "Beauty Scribbler". I read as the owner moved from London to New York and then San Francisco and back to London again. She got married and eventually had a child. Unfortunately, her last post was 2015 (it's now private) and I understand as I've closed a few blogs in my time but there was just something about following someones journey in life. I also miss her reviews. Helen started her blog in 2010 and I discovered it mid 2011 and for four years I developed an appreciation for skincare products, started a skincare blog of my own (now also privately listed) and read from my reception desk at a 24 hour casino, wondering if I could somehow have a life as exciting as hers.

Fast forward almost ten years now and I'm no longer sat on that reception desk, I finally have something resembling a career, I've traveled the world as a flight attendant, and for the first time I'm starting to feel like a...real adult?

I guess where I'm going with this is that my life has changed drastically in the past 6 months. So much so that I think I've been having some sort of crisis lol. I've been so focused for the past three years on finishing my degree and getting out of the casino that I never stopped to think about what I would do when those things eventually happened. I've been stumbling along since July wondering what the next step is.

December though was a turning point for me though. I finally started to feel a little more confident in my work and I stopped spending every spare moment of my time outside of work worrying about programming or this blog. I went for walks, played a lot of Minecraft and went to bed early and I've been feeling much better; invigorated in fact. I never used to think "burn out" was real but you never actually realise that your burnt out until you finally stop and there's just this emptiness there.

I love this blog, out of all the ones I've started and closed this is the one I want to continue doing. I love doing my nails and the creativity it brings but I was getting a bit sick of forcing myself to try and review new items, or create looks to match themes and seasons and just generally keep up with trends. When I first started this a year ago, I was experimenting and just doing whatever the hell I wanted and I'd like to get back to that. I've had a good break away from the keyboard thanks to going home but now I'm back and ready to paint my nails. I've actually really missed my nail polish (I didn't take any with me).

Thanks to everyone who stopped by in 2019, here's to 2020 and whatever the next decade will bring. At the start of 2010, I dropped out of college and started training to become a professional wrestler....it lasted a year. Ah to be 18 again (but really not, please don't make me go back). I'd like to think that at the end of 2029 (christ that sounds like a futuristic movie) I'll have finally achieved my dream of working and living in the states, visited all the continents (I just have a couple more to go) and own a house. Whatever happens though, I hope this blog is still going; posting nail art out to whoever stumbles across it with random musings occasionally.


  1. Happy New Year :-D

    Painting and blogging about nail polish always cheers me up and makes me smile. :-D

    1. Happy New Year! What kind of painting do you do? I've recently really got into watercolour. The tutorials on YouTube are always so relaxing.

    2. Sorry, I meant painting my nails! I did a bit of adult colouring before getting back into the blogging again. Not done it since!

      Oh what do you paint?

    3. Oh just backgrounds. I'm just practicing mainly as I like using watercolour paint on my nails as well!


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